Interface | Description |
CatalogExtension |
An API to extend the Spark built-in session catalog.
CatalogPlugin |
A marker interface to provide a catalog implementation for Spark.
Column |
An interface representing a column of a
Table . |
FunctionCatalog |
Catalog methods for working with Functions.
Identifier |
Identifies an object in a catalog.
LookupCatalog |
A trait to encapsulate catalog lookup function and helpful extractors.
MetadataColumn |
Interface for a metadata column.
NamespaceChange |
NamespaceChange subclasses represent requested changes to a namespace.
SessionConfigSupport |
A mix-in interface for
TableProvider . |
StagedTable |
Represents a table which is staged for being committed to the metastore.
StagingTableCatalog |
An optional mix-in for implementations of
TableCatalog that support staging creation of
the a table before committing the table's metadata along with its contents in CREATE TABLE AS
SupportsAtomicPartitionManagement |
An atomic partition interface of
Table to operate multiple partitions atomically. |
SupportsCatalogOptions |
An interface, which TableProviders can implement, to support table existence checks and creation
through a catalog, without having to use table identifiers.
SupportsDelete |
A mix-in interface for
Table delete support. |
SupportsDeleteV2 |
A mix-in interface for
Table delete support. |
SupportsMetadataColumns |
An interface for exposing data columns for a table that are not in the table schema.
SupportsNamespaces |
Catalog methods for working with namespaces.
SupportsPartitionManagement |
A partition interface of
Table . |
SupportsRead |
A mix-in interface of
Table , to indicate that it's readable. |
SupportsRowLevelOperations |
A mix-in interface for
Table row-level operations support. |
SupportsWrite |
A mix-in interface of
Table , to indicate that it's writable. |
Table |
An interface representing a logical structured data set of a data source.
TableCatalog |
Catalog methods for working with Tables.
TableChange |
TableChange subclasses represent requested changes to a table.
TableChange.ColumnChange | |
TableChange.ColumnPosition | |
TableProvider |
The base interface for v2 data sources which don't have a real catalog.
TruncatableTable |
Represents a table which can be atomically truncated.
V2TableWithV1Fallback |
A V2 table with V1 fallback support.
View |
An interface representing a persisted view.
ViewCatalog |
Catalog methods for working with views.
ViewChange |
ViewChange subclasses represent requested changes to a view.
Class | Description |
Catalogs | |
CatalogV2Implicits |
Conversion helpers for working with v2
CatalogPlugin . |
CatalogV2Implicits.BucketSpecHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.CatalogHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.ColumnsHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.FunctionIdentifierHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.IdentifierHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.MultipartIdentifierHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.NamespaceHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.PartitionTypeHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.TableIdentifierHelper | |
CatalogV2Implicits.TransformHelper | |
CatalogV2Util | |
ColumnDefaultValue |
A class representing the default value of a column.
DelegatingCatalogExtension |
A simple implementation of
CatalogExtension , which implements all the catalog functions
by calling the built-in session catalog directly. |
LookupCatalog.AsTableIdentifier |
Extract legacy table identifier from a multi-part identifier.
LookupCatalog.AsTableIdentifier$ |
Extract legacy table identifier from a multi-part identifier.
LookupCatalog.CatalogAndIdentifier |
Extract catalog and identifier from a multi-part name with the current catalog if needed.
LookupCatalog.CatalogAndIdentifier$ |
Extract catalog and identifier from a multi-part name with the current catalog if needed.
LookupCatalog.CatalogAndNamespace |
Extract catalog and namespace from a multi-part name with the current catalog if needed.
LookupCatalog.CatalogAndNamespace$ |
Extract catalog and namespace from a multi-part name with the current catalog if needed.
LookupCatalog.NonSessionCatalogAndIdentifier |
Extract non-session catalog and identifier from a multi-part identifier.
LookupCatalog.NonSessionCatalogAndIdentifier$ |
Extract non-session catalog and identifier from a multi-part identifier.
LookupCatalog.SessionCatalogAndIdentifier |
Extract session catalog and identifier from a multi-part identifier.
LookupCatalog.SessionCatalogAndIdentifier$ |
Extract session catalog and identifier from a multi-part identifier.
NamespaceChange.RemoveProperty |
A NamespaceChange to remove a namespace property.
NamespaceChange.SetProperty |
A NamespaceChange to set a namespace property.
TableChange.AddColumn |
A TableChange to add a field.
TableChange.After |
Column position AFTER means the specified column should be put after the given `column`.
TableChange.DeleteColumn |
A TableChange to delete a field.
TableChange.First |
Column position FIRST means the specified column should be the first column.
TableChange.RemoveProperty |
A TableChange to remove a table property.
TableChange.RenameColumn |
A TableChange to rename a field.
TableChange.SetProperty |
A TableChange to set a table property.
TableChange.UpdateColumnComment |
A TableChange to update the comment of a field.
TableChange.UpdateColumnDefaultValue |
A TableChange to update the default value of a field.
TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability |
A TableChange to update the nullability of a field.
TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition |
A TableChange to update the position of a field.
TableChange.UpdateColumnType |
A TableChange to update the type of a field.
ViewChange.RemoveProperty | |
ViewChange.SetProperty |
Enum | Description |
TableCapability |
Capabilities that can be provided by a
Table implementation. |
TableCatalogCapability |
Capabilities that can be provided by a
TableCatalog implementation. |
TableWritePrivilege |
The table write privileges that will be provided when loading a table.
Exception | Description |
CatalogNotFoundException |