Package org.apache.spark.util.random

package org.apache.spark.util.random
Utilities for random number generation.
  • Class
    :: DeveloperApi :: A sampler based on Bernoulli trials for partitioning a data sequence.
    :: DeveloperApi :: A sampler based on Bernoulli trials.
    Utility functions that help us determine bounds on adjusted sampling rate to guarantee exact sample size with high confidence when sampling without replacement.
    Utility functions that help us determine bounds on adjusted sampling rate to guarantee exact sample sizes with high confidence when sampling with replacement.
    :: DeveloperApi :: A sampler for sampling with replacement, based on values drawn from Poisson distribution.
    :: DeveloperApi :: A class with pseudorandom behavior.
    :: DeveloperApi :: A pseudorandom sampler.
    Auxiliary functions and data structures for the sampleByKey method in PairRDDFunctions.